
리플 XRP 국내 거래소 빗썸 상장

Ostrich96 2017. 6. 1. 21:56
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

 빗썸이 오늘 오후 8시경 기습(?) 리플 상장을 했습니다!

열리자마자 이루어진 리플 거래의 가격은 무려 600원 이었다고 하는데요.

지금 코빗 리플 시세가 410원대 인 것을 보면 실로 높은 가격이 아닐 수 없습니다.

이후 거래량이 폭주한 영향인지 서버가 잠시 닫혔다가 

방금 다시 열렸습니다

서버가 다시 열린 지금 ( 9시 45분 경 ) 시세는 무려 896원으로 타 국내 사이트의 2배 가격에 육박하고 있네요.

미리 당일 빗썸의 리플 상장 소식을 알고 타 사이트에서 구매한 리플을 빗썸 지갑(리플 입금 지갑 서비스는 오늘 오전 오픈했다고 합니다) 으로 옮겨놓으신 분들은 아마 큰 이득을 보셨겠군요.  부럽습니다!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

빗썸도 리플 상장을 할 예정이라는 건 알았지만 오늘이 될 지는 몰랐네요!! 

he view of what distinguishes investment from speculation and speculation from excessive speculation varies widely among pundits, legislators and academics. Some sources note that speculation is simply a higher risk form of investment. Others define speculation more narrowly as positions not characterized as hedging. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission defines a speculator as "a trader who does not hedge, but who trades with the objective of achieving profits through the successful anticipation of price movements." The agency emphasizes that speculators serve important market functions, but defines excessive speculation as harmful to the proper functioning of futures markets.

According to Ben Graham in The Intelligent Investor, the prototypical defensive investor is "...one interested chiefly in safety plus freedom from bother." He admits, however, that "...some speculation is necessary and unavoidable, for in many common-stock situations, there are substantial possibilities of both profit and loss, and the risks therein must be assumed by someone." Thus, many long-term investors, even those who buy and hold for decades, may be classified as speculators, excepting only the rare few who are primarily motivated by income or safety of principal and not eventually selling at a profit.[5]

Speculation is condemned on ethical-moral grounds as creating money from money and thereby promoting the vices of avarice and gambling.

There is opinion that it serves no purposes from a human and economic perspective.

If any market, such as pork bellies, had no speculators, only producers (hog farmers) and consumers (butchers, etc.) would participate. With fewer players in the market, there would be a larger spread between the current bid and ask price of pork bellies. Any new entrant in the market who wanted to trade pork bellies would be forced to accept this illiquid market and might trade at market prices with large bid-ask spreads or even face difficulty finding a co-party to buy or sell to.

By contrast, a commodity speculator may profit the difference in the spread and, in competition with other speculators, reduce the spread. Some schools of thought argue that speculators increase the liquidity in a market, and therefore promote an efficient market.[9] This efficiency is difficult to achieve without speculators. Speculators take information and speculate on how it affects prices, producers and consumers, who may want to hedge their risks, neeing counter-parties if they could find each other without markets it certainly would happen as it would be cheaper. A very beneficial by-product of speculation for the economy is price discovery.

On the other hand, as more speculators participate in a market, underlying real demand and supply can diminish compared to trading volume, and prices may become distorted.