
가상화폐 대규모 행사 일정

Ostrich96 2017. 6. 18. 13:30
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

 2017년 하반기 대규모 행사 일정이 업데이트 되었습니다. 

세계 각 국에서 가상화폐의 발전을 위한 이벤트가 예정되어 있습니다.


▶ 6월 행사 일정

 26일 : Money 2020 Europe , 코펜하겐, 덴마크

 27일 : Future of Fintech , 뉴욕, 미국

▶ 7월 행사 일정

 7일 : London Fintech Week , 런던, 영국

 10일 : A Blockchain Event , 암스테르담, 네덜란드

 16일 : CoinAgenda Europe : 바르셀로나, 스페인

▶ 9월 행사 일정


 12일 : The Advanced Digital Innovation Summit , 토론토, 캐나다

 23일 : Bitcoin Conference , 키예프, 우크라이나


▶ 11월 행사 일정 

 29일 : Blockchain Expo , 산타클라라, 미국

Bitcoin has no centralized issuing authority.[29][30][31] The network is programmed to increase the money supply as a geometric series until the total number of Bitcoins reaches 21 million BTC.[1] As of October 2012 slightly over 10 million of the total 21 million BTC had been created; the current total number created is available online.[32] By 2013 half of the total supply will have been generated, and by 2017, three-quarters will have been generated. To ensure sufficient granularity of the money supply, clients can divide each BTC unit down to eight decimal places (a total of 2.1 × 1015 or 2.1 quadrillion units).[33]

The network as of 2012 required over one million times more work for confirming a block and receiving an award (25 BTC as of February 2012) than when the first blocks were confirmed. The difficulty is automatically adjusted every 2016 blocks based on the time taken to find the previous 2016 blocks such that one block is created roughly every 10 minutes.Those who chose to put computational and electrical resources toward mining early on had a greater chance at receiving awards for block generations. This served to make available enough processing power to process blocks. Indeed, without miners there are no transactions and the Bitcoin economy comes to a halt.In the history of bitcoin, there have been a few incidents, caused by problematic as well as malicious transactions. In the worst such incident, and the only one of its type, a person was able to pretend that he had a practically infinite supply of bitcoins, for almost 9 hours.Bitcoin relies, among other things, on public key cryptography and thus may be vulnerable to quantum computing attacks if and when practical quantum computers can be constructed.If multiple different software packages, whose usage becomes widespread on the Bitcoin network, disagree on the protocol and the rules for transactions, this could potentially cause a fork in the block chain, with each faction of users being able to accept only their own version of the history of transactions. This could influence the price of bitcoins.A global, organized campaign against the currency or the software could also influence the demand for bitcoins, and thus the exchange price.