
이더리움의 새로운 기업 동맹 발표!

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▶이더리움 호재! 동맹기업 발표!

▶이더리움 호재! 중국 거래소 상장!

▶이더리움 잇따른 호재! 중국 거래소의 잇따른 상장!


지난 5월 22일, 이더리움이 기존 기업 동맹에 추가로 참가할 86개 기업을 발표했습니다! 

 여기에 삼성(Samsung SDS)이 우리나라 기업으로서는 최초로 참여하여 국내 IT업계는 물론 관련 분야에 관심있는 모든 이들의 이목을 집중시켰습니다. 


최근 국내 이더리움 가격이 폭등하고 있는 이유에 이러한 삼성의 이더리움 지지 여부도 한 몫 했다고 볼 수 있을 것 같습니다.

새롭게 동맹에 참여한 86개 기업 목록

Access, Adapt Forward, Alchemy Limited, AlphaPoint, Antony Welfare, Aquarius Capital Management, AutoBoard Systems, Axcent LLC, Bancor, BigchainDB, Blk Technologies, Blockchain Hub Limited, BlockCypher, Brian Ray, Broadridge, CareChain, CCA, Clause, Clearmatics Technologies, Clozer Technologies, CoinFund, Coinplug, ConsenLabs, Consensus Base, Couger, C ryptoMKT, CYPHA GmbH, Dapps.ai, Datarella, DeliverThat, De Cooperatieve Rabobank U.A, Deloitte, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), DigixGlobal, Dinosaur Dog, ElectricChain, Elevondata Labs Inc. , Etherisc, Fundacion CTIC Centro Tecnologico, Gem, Global Consent Limited, Global Trade Guardian - LexEcon Consulting Group, Hashed Health, Hijro, Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Infosys, InGauge Trading Technologies Inc., Ian Pilon, Infrachain Asbl, Intelligent’er Re’Development, ING, iPaynow, Jiangsu Huaxin Blockchain Research Institute, Kaula, Ledger, Libra, Melonport, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, MME, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Model Communities Association, Musicoin, National Bank of Canada, Noah Perius, Nordic Alliance, NXN, Parkview Ventures, Qingxin Technology, Red Chalk Group, Samsung SDS, San Francisco Stock Exchange, Smart Contract Japan , SmartU Electronics Trading L.L.C, State Street Emerging Technologies Center, Synechron, Taishin Financial Holdings, Taiwan FinTech Association, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Toyota Research Institute, TraderLynk Ltd, Trust Stamp, UNLP, Utocat, Vanbex Group , Wall Street Blockchain Alliance, and Zerocoin Electric Coin Company.

관련 뉴스

ETHnews - Jeremy Nation


On May 22, 2017, blockchain technology partnership Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) announced the addition of 86 companies to its membership. New members include Deloitte, National Bank of Canada ING, Toyota Research Institute, and Samsung SDS.

Julio Faura, EEA chairman and head of blockchain R&D at Santander called the enthusiasm around EEA “remarkable.”

“Our new members come from varying industries such as pharma, mobile, banking, automotive, management consulting, and hardware as well as the startup community driving innovation. It’s great to see everyone come together and build the next generation of our economy on Ethereum blockchain solutions.” 

As previously reported by ETHNews, the EEA was launched in February 2017, and since has grown in size and scope to encompass a wide range of companies in varying industries. The growing alliance of companies focus on researching blockchain technology solutions, standards and practices, and EntEth 1.0 (a reference architecture). The EEA maintains an open invitation for anyone to join in the collaborative effort to establish blockchain technology guidelines. According to the EEA, the framework it seeks to create can “enable the mass adoption at a depth and breadth otherwise unachievable in individual corporate silos and provide insight to the future of scalability, privacy, and confidentiality of the public Ethereum permission-less network.”

Deloitte’s Dublin-based blockchain R&D lab is exploring banking applications and Eric Piscini, global blockchain financial services leader, affirmed the company has been investing on Ethereum for a while. 

“We are excited to actively contribute to the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and drive blockchain adoption globally,” said Piscini.

Dutch multinational banking and financial services corporation ING seeks a role on the cutting edge of blockchain development. Ivar Wiersma, head of wholesale banking innovation adds:

“For ING, leading edge technology is the key to developing innovative solutions for our customers and Enterprise Ethereum Alliance is a perfect example of how we play at the forefront of these developments. Ethereum is an extremely powerful multi-purpose blockchain and we're proud to partner with Enterprise Ethereum Alliance to leverage this computing platform to seek efficient and secure propositions for our clients.” 

Mass adoption by large private banks may be a sign of the efficacy of blockchain technology. David Furlong, executive leader transformation at the National Bank of Canada spoke about joining the EEA’s community of innovators. 

“Working on the next generation of IT platforms in a sharing-based ecosystem is aligned with our vision and strategy,” said Furlong. “We are looking forward to collaborating with this diverse group of partners.” 

Samsung SDS is a subsidiary of the Samsung group, which has shown interest in blockchains startups, having invested $1.3 million with its Samsung Venture Corporation arm into blockchain innovator Blocko Inc in July 2016. Kwang Woo Song, Samsung SDS vice president of distributed ledger technology business group described the company as focused on “delivering solutions for enterprise businesses” and that joining the EEA was a “clear decision.”

“Ethereum is one of the fastest growing blockchain technologies, with potential to provide exceptional benefit to enterprises. We look forward to active collaboration with the members of the alliance, and believe that there will be significant synergy opportunity to drive the adoption of blockchain in the enterprise space.”

Blockchain technology has applications which can benefit more sectors than FinTech. Toyota Research Institute’s CFO & director of mobility services Chris Ballinger expressed that the technology might fast track innovations like self driving cars.

“Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers are disruptive technologies with the potential to positively impact future mobility by accelerating the development of autonomous driving, lowering costs to consumers, and making more efficient use of the existing mobility infrastructure. Toyota Research Institute supports the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and its members in promoting common standards and tools to accelerate the adoption of this technology and the potential benefits for Toyota's customers.” 

블로그 주인장 거래일지 보러가기

▶가상화폐계 대규모 행사 일정!

▶ 가상화폐 시장 급변동!

▶이더리움 호재! 동맹기업 발표!

▶이더리움 호재! 중국 거래소 상장!

▶이더리움 잇따른 호재! 중국 거래소의 잇따른 상장!